The Promise

A song by Dr Christopher Guillebaud written for the Time Capsule 20th Anniversary Celebration, updated 2019
[Click here for an mp4 video of this song or here for an mp3 audio version of the song. You are welcome to download and play "The Promise" anywhere, attributing the words and music to Dr Chris Guillebaud.]


In 1994 we put the time capsule in the ground
To try to get our message all around
A promise to the earth that we won't let it down
And now we're here to shout it out aloud


We have a world we've only borrowed from our children and their children yet to come
So let's keep our promise so they'll wonder why we ever apologised


The web of life it depends upon us all
From the mighty trees to the bumblebees, and the little bugs that crawl
And the ocean depths, coral reefs and whales and tuna,
We need to help them, today or if not sooner!


We have a world we've only borrowed from our children and their children yet to come
So let's keep our promise so they'll wonder why we ever apologised
We have a world we've only borrowed from our children and their children yet to come
So let's keep our promise so they'll wonder why we ever apologised


Pollution from us all, causing environmental dangers
We have to act right now 'cause we are the climate changers
Population matters if we're to live sustainably
We can't outgrow our only home, there is no 'Plan-et B'!


We have a world we've only borrowed from our children and their children yet to come
So let's keep our promise so they'll wonder why we ever apologised


So what can we do, to make the world a better place?
Children by choice not by chance
Surely makes a lot of sense
Smaller footprints from fewer feet
Means an environment that's cleaner
And ditch the car when you can, 'cause 2 wheels are greener!


We have a world we've only borrowed from our children and their children yet to come
So let's keep our promise so they'll wonder why we ever apologised
We have a world we've only borrowed from our children and their children yet to come
So let's keep our promise so they'll wonder why we ever apologised